Inspirational Personal Checks

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The older we get I think we realize the impact of attitude on our lives. A great way to change your attitude is to be inspired. Inspiration in the form of pictures and words can be very powerful at making us feel better and lifting our spirits.
Imagine if you could make yourself and others feel better and give yourself a gentle lift just by writing a check? And I don't mean by writing a check to a charity either, I'm talking about being inspired by the check itself!
Waterfalls spilling over the edge of cliffs, rainbows brightening a dreary sky after a heavy rain storm, autumn leaves splashed colorful as if with paint.. do any of these scenes make you smile? Your checks can be decorated with these scenes, and many others. Imagine crystals in a serene cave, or a clear blue sky with fluffy white clouds.
Envision a clear blue sky with fluffy white clouds and superman flying next to them. Heroes too, can be on your checks. I don't just mean out-of-this-world-with-a-red-cape heroes either. Martin Luther King Junior, Franklin Delanor Roosevelt, Rosa Parks, and Winston Churchill are all heroes that can make appearances on your personal checks.
You can feel the hope symbolized in Thomas Kinkade personal checks designs. You can get conviced with scriptures or other quotes on your check designs. Imagine that with every personal check you make, you will pass a message of hope, inspiration or joy on to others!