Support The Causes You Believe In With Personal Checks

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Other charity and organization checks categories include:
African American
Social Charities
Support Ribbons
Women's Rights
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If you are trying to raise awareness of a cause or charity that is near and dear to your heart, try using your checkbook. I don't mean writing a check, literately, I mean having your checks personalized to help raise support for a specific organization or specific cause.
You can now purchase checks that have many well-known logos or symbols printed on them. So every person that receives a check from you will not only get payment, but they will also receive a subtle promotion of the causes you feel are worthy to bring to their attention. Take, for example, the color pink; everyone associates that color with breast cancer. There are many logos, like the pink ribbon that would be highly recognized and help raise awareness.
You can also buy breast cancer checks that support breast cancer research. Check with the manufacturers of the checks, but most of them donate between 5% and up to 9% to help find a cure for breast cancer. It seems almost every cause or organization has a support ribbon and you can buy checks for any one of them. For instance, checks with a red ribbon would be for AIDS awareness, a Teal ribbon is being used to raise awareness for ovarian cancer, and, of course, the yellow ribbon is to show support for our troops that are in harm's way.
There are many social issues that you can support with your check writing, also. These check manufacturers do donate certain percentages to the cause that you have chosen. For example you can choose to show your support for organizations like the United Negro College Fund with African American checks, the Lion's club, The American Way, Green Peace and many others. If you are an animal lover, there are many charities that you may consider promoting through checks that will help stop Animal Cruelty. They have a variety of specific causes you can support like, the program for spaying and neutering animals. Or if you want to, you can choose to support the Animal Legal Defense Fund. The Humane society also offers personal checks with some really cute cats and dogs on them. Defenders of Wildlife also offers checks with four different beautiful wild animals on them.
The main reason for you use these personalized checks is to bring attention to causes that you feel are very important in a subtle way and you will also find that a part of the proceeds from buying these types of personal checks will be donated to your cause. How can you go wrong, promotion and donation all in one?