Simple Personal Checks

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Think themed personal checks are a bit tacky? But you are getting sick and tired of the designs (or lack there of) that the banks put on their checks? Well I'm here to tell you that there is a happy medium. You can get personal checks that are simply and tastefully themed, that still provide some style and flair but don't overpower your checks, nor do they contain any branded or specific theme.
Or if you want you can even get the similar plain checks that you can get at the bank, without having to leave your home. You can simply order then online and have them delivered to your door in days... and you'll usually save 50%.
So how do you add a touch of style to your personal checks without going overboard? One option for you may simply be to have a different colored background on your check, or if you wanted to get a bit more stylish you can go with a background that has a slight swirl or texture such has marble. Another way to "spice up" your personal checks without overdoing it is to have a nice solid border around them. The border can be a tradition border around the entire check or a thicker stripe along the top. Another option if you want a little image is to not have the image on the entire background but have it in either the top left hand corner or the to the left of the check.
There are many of these "conservative" personal check designs that will combine your need for simplicity with your want for something a bit different from the default checks given to you by you bank.