American Personal Checks

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My first introduction to America themed personal checks was my highschool history teacher who was preoccupied with the presidents of America's past. Abraham Lincoln. William McKinley. John F. Kennedy. He was particularly obsessed with assassinated presidents and would talk the entire hour of class about the exact angle of the bullet that struck Kennedy. Imagine my surprise and horror when this same history teacher waltzes into a restaurant I was working at... I swallowed any hopes of going home within the next hour. Strangely, he did not once mention anything about history. When he came up to the till to pay for his dinner, he paid with a check with Abraham Lincoln sitting in the balcony of a theatre in the background.
So if you like historical events, then you can get them on your checks, imagine the Battle of Gettysburg, the Boston Tea Party, the Declaration of Independence being signed, perhaps Pearl Harbor - a small memorial in your checkbook. If you love America, there still is an American themed check that will match you.
The scenic route is always a popular one. The Statue of Liberty, the San Francisco Bridge, or the cracked Liberty Bell. The Atlantic Ocean beating against the shores of the East Coast, or the Los Angeles skyline at sunset. Maybe a desert flower from the Southwest, a windmill in the Midwest. If you like vast, open plains with green grass or the exciting city life, you can find a check with a picture on it that fits what you personally think the scenic route is.
Are you more into classic American products, then maybe Coke checks are for you, that include vintage Coca-cola signs and memorabilia. Or how about America's favorite farm equipment? Why not get some beautiful tractor checks that depict the heartland of America with pictures of tractors from the past and present.
You can also illustrate your support for America's hard-fighting military with a check, or show your pride at being in the military. Express your patriotic side with an American flag, or show off your roots with African American personal checks, letting your heritage be sung joyfully in everyone's hands your checks go to.
No matter what you think of when you think of the United States, you can probably get a personal check theme to match it. Now you can let everyone know that you are American and you are proud!