Peanuts/Snoopy Personal Checks

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If you’re an avid fan of the cartoon Peanuts Gang and are fond of Charlie Brown, Woodstock and the most popular beagle Snoopy and their friends, then you’ll find Peanuts checks or Snoopy checks appealing. Written and illustrated by Charles M. Schulz, Peanuts ran in Sunday American comic strip from 1950 to 2000 and continued in reruns afterwards. Peanuts is one of the most influential and popular comic strip in American newspaper history and the longest story ever told by a single person. It ran in more than 2,600 newspapers and had a readership of 355 million in different countries.
What makes the Peanuts comic strip funny and interesting to its readers is that the main character, Charlie Brown, is portrayed by Schulz as being meek, awkward and a failure in many things he tries to do. Charlie can’t fly a kite and can’t kick a football but Schulz created the comic strip in a charmingly humorous way which made it become a favorite of so many readers. The adorable Peanuts iconic comic strip icons are featured in Peanuts checks or Snoopy checks.
The Peanuts checks or Snoopy personalized checks feature four alternating cheerful images of dancing Charlie brown, Snoopy, Woodstock and Lucy that will put a smile on the face of even a serious business-minded person. These checks will transform the dull task of paying your bills into a nostalgic moment. Peanuts checks or Snoopy checks will add a touch of humor to all your financial transactions and banking needs.